San Clemente
A Sangiano take the road to San Clemente.
Leave the car at the top of the road.
Continue on the path to the left until Picuz to San Clemente
Forte di Orino
It can be reached by different paths.
From Orino, Gavirate or Sacro Monte.
Leaving the car at the beginning of the march to the chapels, or up to Sacro Monte by car or even to the Campo dei Fiori in the car, then the tour continues on a flat trail for a few miles
Sacro Monte di Varese
You can park a the start of chapels or you can go directly to the Sacro Monte by car.
There is also a cable car that starts at the beginning of the Chapels and leads directly to the Sacro Monte.
The Sacro Monte is located in the park of Campo dei Fiori in Lombardy and is on the World Heritage List of UNESCO.
Take the road north of the lake towards Switzerland and turn Maccagno towards Curiglia, continue to the cable.
You can take the cable car or while walking to the village. Possibility of other pormenades after Monteviasco for those who want a great ride
In the village there is a small restaurant to eat polenta.
Sasso del Ferro
You can reach it by climbing from Vararo Cittiglio car
Laveno or by foot or by cable car.
Travel time: 20mn from Vararo 1 hours starting from Laveno